SUSPARSHA HOLISTIC SCHOOL is an upcoming Secondary School in Gangarampur & Balurghat, Dakshin Dinajpur. Started in the year 2012, SUSPARSHA HOLISTIC SCHOOL is a unit of SUSPARSHA GROUP. The group have a qualified & experienced Management Team with blend of Doctors, Engineers & Business persons. SUSPARSHA GROUP has various Health care and Education Institution. The kindergarten & primary school provides a very cheerful and colorful environment for the children, which paves the way for their joyful learning and development. The nursery & primary school converts every day into wonderful learning experiences for the children, by infusing love and care into all the aspects of learning. SUSPARSHA HOLISTIC SCHOOL makes sure that the children are given immense happiness, complete freedom and the required encouragement & guidance, so that their young minds grow and blossom in the fun environment of the pre & primary school.